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IntelliJ Ultimate/PhpStorm, showing code coverage results for Symfony2 project

I'm using IntelliJ Ultimate 11.1 which includes the goodies that comes with the latest PhpStorm.

I'm trying to get some things working with the new Code Coverage feature, but having a bit of trouble getting the coverage to show up in my IDE.

The unit testing is working 100%, I can even run the unit tests in debug mode, and trigger xdebug breakpoints etc, which I think is the most awesome thing since toast.

When I set --coverage-html the HTML coverage report is being generated ok, so it's clear that xdebug and phpunit are working nicely together.

The project is a Symfony2 project, which has it's PhpUnit configuration done in a file app/phpunit.xml.dist.

When I select Analyze > Show Code Coverage Data from the menu, I get a popup looking like this:

Choose Coverage Suite to Display

I'm clicking the [+] but not sure what I have to select, as the OK button on that dialog box is disabled all the time.

I understand that my Test Suite is defined inside the phpunit.xml.dist file, but not sure how to get IntelliJ to use that to figure out how to display code coverage.

I'd be really thrilled to be able to use this neat feature.


  • I just ran a recent update, and everything started working perfectly!