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DBCP - validationQuery for different Databases

I use DBCP pool and I want use testOnBorrow and testOnReturn to test if connection is still valid.
Unfortunately I have to set property validationQuery to make it work.

Question: What value should be in validationQuery?

I know, that: validationQuery must be an SQL SELECT statement, that returns at least one row.

Problem is that we use various databases (DB2, Oracle, hsqldb).


  • There is not only one validationQuery for all databases. On each database you have to use different validationQuery.

    After few hours of googling and testing I have collected this table:

    Database validationQuery notes

    • hsqldb - select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS
    • Oracle - select 1 from dual
    • DB2 - select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1
    • mysql - /* ping */ select 1
    • microsoft SQL Server - select 1 (tested on SQL-Server 9.0, 10.5 [2008])
    • postgresql - select 1
    • ingres - select 1
    • derby - values 1
    • H2 - select 1
    • Firebird - select 1 from rdb$database
    • MariaDb - select 1
    • Informix - select 1 from systables
    • Hive - select 1
    • Impala - select 1

    I wrote about it on my blog - validation query for various databases.

    In advance there is an example of class, which return validationQuery according to JDBC driver.

    Or does anybody have better solution?