I have a lotus-script agent which runs as Web User since I need to know who the current user is and process information accordingly. The problem is that when sending a email in this agent the From email address shows the web user email address rather than the one I have defined. I am setting the following fields before I send the email (as mime):
mailDoc.Form = "Memo"
mailDoc.Subject = strSubject
mailDoc.InetSendTo = strFrom
mailDoc.PostedDate = Now
mailDoc.Principal = strFrom
mailDoc.FROM = strFrom
mailDoc.INETFROM = strFrom
mailDoc.~INetPrincipal = strFrom
mailDoc.ReplyTo = strFrom
mailDoc.SendFrom = strFrom
mailDoc.SentBy = strFrom
mailDoc.altFrom = strFrom
mailDoc.tmpDisplaySentBy = strFrom
mailDoc.DisplaySent = strFrom
mailDoc.ToShow = strFrom
mailDoc.SendTo = strSendTo
But still the From address is shown as the web user's address. What am I missing here? Any help would be really appreciated.
The field Principal is the proper solution, but the real sender's name will probably be visible under water. Actually, there is different solution: to create the mail directly in the mail.box database. That's what the TeamMail template does on OpenNTF. See http://www.openntf.org/Projects/pmt.nsf/ProjectLookup/Team%20Mail%20Tamer
Of course, this is NOT the proper way, but if you want to obfuscate the sender, there's no other solution.
Well, technically that's not entirely true: you could create an Extension Manager DLL that changes the sender... Dirty, you say? Sure.