What is the correct way to handle this situation. I have one method in my F# class DogTree that should fulfill the requirement of implementing a Bark() method for both interfaces.
type ITree =
abstract Bark : unit -> unit
abstract Grow : unit -> unit
type IDog =
abstract Bark : unit -> unit
abstract ChaseCar : unit -> unit
type TreeDog =
// so the "and" syntax below doesn't work - what is the correct way to handle?
interface IDog and ITree with
member this.Bark() = printfn "Bark"
You can delegate to a common implementation:
type TreeDog =
interface IDog with
member this.Bark() = printfn "Bark"
interface ITree with
member this.Bark() = (this :> IDog).Bark()
Or, more appropriately:
type TreeDog =
member this.Bark() = printfn "Bark"
interface IDog with
member this.Bark() = this.Bark()
interface ITree with
member this.Bark() = this.Bark()
(Note that this defines an extra method in the class named Bark
, that is used as the implementation for both interfaces.)
If you declare a primary constructor in your class, you can use this instead:
type TreeDog() = // primary constructor
let bark() = printfn "Bark" // this member is private
interface IDog with
member this.Bark() = bark()
interface ITree with
member this.Bark() = bark()