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Webrick dies with illegal instruction 4

Ever since switching to Mac based RoR development, I occasionally see that Webrick dies after simply printing 'Illegal Instruction 4'.

OSX 10.7.2, 10.7.3 and now 10.7.4

ruby 1.9.2p290

rails 3.2.2, and various other version starting with 3.1

So far, it's been rather innocuous, I just hit the up arrow key, hit enter, and restart the server, and everything is fine.

I've noticed that immediately after adding a new file to the development environment will almost always cause this condition. But it has happened when I haven't recently added a new file. But it almost always happens immediately after some file change. Put another way, I don't think it's ever happened when I'm just testing stuff, it seems that some kind of filesystem change is required to trigger this.

Just now, it happened, but this time it seems to of wedged up Webrick in some way, and after restarting Webrick, it wouldn't respond, I had to reboot to clear the condition. So this is starting to look less innocuous, and more like a looming development productivity problem.

Any other Mac developers seeing this?


  • Do you have similar problems using non-webrick app servers? I encourage developing with the same app server you deploy with, which in this case looks to be Passenger.