I'm adding
<category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" />
to my activity's definition in the manifest, but now the home button just pops open my app by default. I'd like it to ask the user if they'd like to use my Launcher or the stock one. What do I need to add to the manifest to make sure they get that choice?
Here's an example of someone else doing this... http://blog.mycolorscreen.com/post/9328914812/customizing-your-android-without-rooting
they offer a Home switcher when someone hits the Home button. I'm not finding any documentation on what this entails.
This normally happens automatically. When your app is installed, the next time the user presses HOME, they will get a chooser, asking whether the user wants your app or another home screen already installed. They will continue to get this chooser until such time as they click the "make this the default" checkbox and make one final choice, after which they will get their chosen activity on future HOME presses.
My guess is that, somewhere along the line, you checked that checkbox on the chooser. You can clear it from being the default via the Settings app, or simply uninstall and reinstall it.