I have a list of postcode areas (left hand part only) as below:
My input is a UK Postcode eg. IV21
I need a PHP function to check if the input postcode (eg IV21) is in the list.
This would be simple enough, but the list is in the form IV1-28 as opposed to being a 'normal' list such as IV1,IV2,IV3,IV4,IV5,IV6...IV26,IV27,IV28
Help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
loops through an array of codes and splits them into the number then checks if that number is within the range
$list = array("IV1-28","AB1-10");
$found = false;
$input = "AB10";
$inputCode = substr($input,0,2);
$inputNumber = substr($input,2);
foreach ($list as $l)
$lCode = substr($l,0,2);
$lNumber = substr($l,2);
$listNumbers = explode("-",$lNumber);
if (($inputNumber >= $listNumbers[0]) && ($inputNumber <= $listNumbers[1]) && ($inputCode==$lCode))
$found = true;