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Flex 4.6 TabbedViewNavigatorApplication navigator

I am new to mobile development with Flex, and there is one basic piece of information with which I cannot find an answer.

My main application extends the <s:TabbedViewNavigatorApplication> class. With other application classes, such as <s:ViewNavigatorApplication>, I can do the following to transition between <s:View> components:

private function nextView(e:MouseEvent):void {

However, the <s:TabbedViewNavigatorApplication> does not automatically instantiate navigator as do the other base classes.

Could someone please provide a simple example of how to push and pop views from a <s:TabbedViewNavigatorApplication> ?


  • A TabbedViewNavigatorApplication contains one ViewNavigator per tab, like so:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:TabbedViewNavigatorApplication xmlns:fx="" 
        <s:ViewNavigator label="News" firstView="views.NewsView"/>
        <s:ViewNavigator label="Friends" firstView="views.FriendsView"/>
        <s:ViewNavigator label="Events" firstView="views.EventsView"/>

    Each ViewNavigator maintains its own navigation stack. The ViewNavigator methods pushView() and popView() act on the currently selected ViewNavigator. These methods add/remove from the selected tab's stack, not the TabbedViewNavigatorApplication.

    Similarly, the back button navigates within the stack of a single tab. It doesn't select another tab.

    You can navigate between ViewNavigators(i.e. between tabs) by setting the TabbedViewNavigator.selectedIndex property to the index of the desired ViewNavigator, where 0 is the first section(first tab), 1 is the second, etc. For example:

    TabbedViewNavigator.selectedIndex = 2

    selects the third tab (and third ViewNavigator stack).

    You can read more about TabbedViewNavigatorApplication on the Adobe Help pages.