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Send event to Google Analytics from GWT using JSNI

I have all the Google Analytics code between the and in my HTML file. These stats are processed correctly.

After a onclick event on my , function below is called and I would like to send an event to Google Analytics, but it is never received. What am I doing wrong?

public static native void googleAnalyticsEvent(String boxId) /*-{
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', boxId , 'Click']);

FYI, if I replace this code for the below, an alert is correctly displayed:

public static native void googleAnalyticsEvent(String boxId) /*-{


  • Try:

    public static native void googleAnalyticsEvent(String boxId) /*-{
        $wnd._gaq.push(['_trackEvent', boxId , 'Click']);


    "Note that the code did not reference the JavaScript window object directly inside the method. When accessing the browser's window and document objects from JSNI, you must reference them as $wnd and $doc, respectively. Your compiled script runs in a nested frame, and $wnd and $doc are automatically initialized to correctly refer to the host page's window and document."