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Perldoc variable syntax: $foo vs ${foo}

I was just browsing the perldocs when I came across this in an example ( - see Capture Groups example )

"aa" =~ /${a}/; # True
"aa" =~ /${b}/; # True
"aa0" =~ /${a}0/; # False!
"aa0" =~ /${b}0/; # True
"aa\x08" =~ /${a}0/; # True!
"aa\x08" =~ /${b}0/; # False

I couldn't find any documentation on what that syntax means.

So what does the regex /${a}/ mean in this context?


  • $ with brackets avoid the ambiguity of variable names. Such that:

    $foo = 'house';
    'housecat' =~ /$foo/;      # matches
    'cathouse' =~ /cat$foo/;   # matches
    'housecat' =~ /${foo}cat/; # matches

    Also in the link that you have given, there is a definition for $a and $b, but you have forgotten to copy here.