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AjaxRequest.get( ) not accepting text/Html from Response.Write() function

i am using AjaxRequest.Get() method from AjaxRequest.
following is the inline javascript in analysis.aspx

 function getAnalysis(type) {            
        var innerHtml;      
                'url': 'getAnalysis.aspx?type=' + type
                , 'onSuccess': function (req) { innerHtml = req.responseText; }
        document.getElementById("div_analysis").innerHTML = innerHtml;

when getAnalysis(type) is called in analysis.aspx everything goes fine - ajax request is properly submitted and response is send properly. But at the end value of innerHTML remains undefined.

Following is the code of getAnalysis.aspx -

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if(type == "somwthing") str = load();    
    Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";              

When i debugged javascript using google chrome, i found that value of innerHMTL is undefined, although everything went fine.
So i dont understand why AjaxRequest class is not accepting text output from Reponse.Write().

P.S. : I have also tried Response.ContentType = "text/Html"; and Reponse.Fluch().
please guide me thnx in advance.


  • You need to set the div contents in the onsuccess function since it is called asynchronously when the AJAX request completes

    function getAnalysis(type) {             
            var innerHtml;       
                    'url': 'getAnalysis.aspx?type=' + type 
                    , 'onSuccess': function (req) { document.getElementById("div_analysis").innerHTML = req.responseText; } 