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How to access in IE9?

The HTML DOM object model defines an Event object with a target property.

Looking at MSDN, Microsoft documents a target property. They also document srcElement as an alias of target from earlier versions of Internet Explorer:

The target property is similar to srcElement in Windows Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions.

So here i am in Internet Explorer, sitting at a click breakpoint:

<div class="day" onclick="divClick(this)">

function divClick(sender)
   var divCell = sender;

And at the F12 Tools console i can ask for the global event object:

>> event 
    actionURL : "",
    altKey : false,
    altLeft : false,
    behaviorCookie : 0,
    behaviorPart : 0,
    bookmarks : null,
    boundElements : {...},
    button : 0,
    buttonID : 0,
    cancelBubble : false

And i can ask for the event.srcElement object:

>> event.srcElement 
    align : "",
    noWrap : false,
    dataFld : "",
    dataFormatAs : "",
    dataSrc : "",
    currentStyle : {...},
    runtimeStyle : {...},
    accessKey : "",
    className : "header",
    contentEditable : "inherit"

But is empty:


And if i watch event, there is no target property:

enter image description here

So how do i access the target property of an event object in Internet Explorer (9 (Document Mode: IE9 Standards (Browser Mode: IE9)))?


  • If you want to use in IE9, you'll need to use addEventListener()-method to assign eventhandler to the element.

    <div id="day" class="day"></div>
    function divClick(e){

    In divClick() you can refer day simply using keyword this. Argument e contains a reference to the event-object itself.

    BTW, in MSDN you can find maybe more suitable IE-documentation for Web development instead of Windows development.