I'm currently using the built-in methods in Windows Phone and Silverlight to create a SHA1 hash of a string. This is the code:
private static string CalculateSHA1(string text)
SHA1Managed s = new SHA1Managed();
UTF8Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Original Text {0}, Access {1}", text, Convert.ToBase64String(s.Hash));
return Convert.ToBase64String(s.Hash);
For example, I tried generating a hash for this string: "hello".
Silverlight Output: LPJNul+wow4m6DsqxbninhsWHlwfp0JecwQzYpOLmCQ=
Correct Output: aaf4c61ddcc5e8a2dabede0f3b482cd9aea9434d
What I am doing wrong in the code?
In your example, you are Base64 encoding the byte array. Your correct output is in hexadecimal format, which you can achieve using:
return BitConverter.ToString(s.Hash).Replace("-", "");
instead of:
return Convert.ToBase64String(s.Hash);