I just think that it is convenient for me to "cd" to the directory where I store some file, ie.
[admin@local /]$ cd /usr/bin/somefile.pl
which as far as I know that the official "cd" command will not work.
so I wrote something like this:
main () {
if [[ "${1}" =~ "(.+/)*(.*){1}" ]] && [ -f "${1}" ] ; then
`\cd ${1%/*}`
elif [ -f "${1}" ] ; then
exit 0
else ; `\cd ${1}`
main ${1}
and I alias this cd.sh to the "cd" command:
alias cd='source /somepath/cd.sh'
and this doesn't work.
I've tried to use eval "\cd xxx"
instead of just \cd xxx
How can I fix my script?
It feels like a bad idea to override cd
, so I'll suggest a slightly different command, fcd
fcd() { cd -- "$(dirname -- "$1")"; }
$ fcd /usr/bin/somefile.pl
$ pwd
Or using parameter expansion to save a call to dirname
fcd { cd -- "${1%/*}"; }