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How do I create a shell-extension / file container dll like winzip?

Ok so I need to make a file container program or namespace extension similar to that of winzip or winrar.

Now I don't need the files to be compressed or encrypted or anything special like that.

What I need is to create a dll that works off an extension such as .xyz (i know how to register all this into the registry so thats not a problem), and when clicked on will open all the files in the "container" in a window like winzip does.

What I have currently is I have a program that adds all the files I what into a big file with an extension (like .xyz). But what I have no idea how to do is how to make it so when I click or open this new file that they will open up in a window (filesystem broswer? or something? like winzip does) so that I can view all the files that are in this "container".

can someone point me in the right direction on this or how to do it, right now I'm stumped.

I should also mention I'm working in





    Exactly you want, but in c++ ;-) Doing shell exts in C Sharp is painful.