I'm trying to get the premailer gem working by following these instructions
I've setup my project by adding a gemfile to my folder and a rake file to run premailer.
My rake file looks like this -
task :default do
require 'premailer'
premailer = Premailer.new('email_source.html', :warn_level => Premailer::Warnings::SAFE)
# Write the HTML output
fout = File.open("output.html", "w")
fout.puts premailer.to_inline_css
# Write the plain-text output
fout = File.open("ouput.txt", "w")
fout.puts premailer.to_plain_text
# Output any CSS warnings
premailer.warnings.each do |w|
puts "#{w[:message]} (#{w[:level]}) may not render properly in #{w[:clients]}"
I'm getting the following error -
undefined method `create_border_shorthand!' for #<CssParser::RuleSet:0x00000101533278>
I've found this bug closed report on github but I'm not sure if that's the route of my problem.
Any idea what's going wrong?
Are you using Bundler (ie. do you have a Gemfile)?
If so, try adding this: gem 'css_parser', '1.2.5'
Then bundle install and try again. That will rule out the problem on the github issue report.