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Simulating the passing of time in unittesting

I've built a paywalled CMS + invoicing system for a client and I need to get more stringent with my testing.

I keep all my data in a Django ORM and have a bunch of Celery tasks that run at different intervals that makes sure that new invoices and invoice reminders get sent and cuts of access when users don't pay their invoices.

For example I'd like to be a able to run a test that:

  1. Creates a new user and generates an invoice for X days of access to the site

  2. Simulates the passing of X + 1 days, and runs all the tasks I've got set up in Celery.

  3. Checks that a new invoice for an other X days has been issued to the user.

The KISS approach I've come up with so far is to do all the testing on a separate machine and actually manipulate the date/time at the OS-level. So the testing script would:

  1. Set the system date to day 1

  2. Create a new user and generate the first invoice for X days of access

  3. Advance then system date 1 day. Run all my celery tasks. Repeat until X + 1 days have "passed"

  4. Check that a new invoice has been issued

It's a bit clunky but I think it might work. Any other ideas on how to get it done?


  • You can use mock to change the return value of the function you use to get the time ( for example).

    There are various ways to do so (see the mock documentation), but here is one :

    import unittest
    import datetime
    from mock import patch
    class SomeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
            self.time = datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 18)
            class fakedatetime(datetime.datetime):
                def now(cls):
                    return self.time
            patcher = patch('datetime.datetime', fakedatetime)
        def test_something(self):
            self.assertEqual(, datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 18))
            self.time = datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 20)
            self.assertEqual(, datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 20))

    Because we can't replace directly, we create a fake datetime class that does everything the same way, except returning a constant value when now is called.