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How to use postgres extensions on Heroku? And how to handle their migrations?

I have a Rails app that includes pg_search and queue_classic gems. Both of these make use of PostgreSQL extensions e.g., unaccent, pg_trgm and ps-something-something (sorry, not as my dev machine and can not remember).

I'm deploying to Heroku, and having trouble running my migrations that exceute these extensions


def up
  execute "create extension unaccent"
  execute "create extension pg_trgm"

I get the impression that Heroku supports these from here and the fact that Heroku uses queue_classic

I've been unable to find any information that explains how to make use of these postgres extensions on Heroku. Or even if they are available for shared databases or only dedicated.

So my questions:

  1. How to I make these extensions available to my app on Heroku?
  2. How do I handle migrations so that these extensions are available to dev and test environments, but don't break migrations on staging or production or environments if Heroku is restricting this type of execution.

Really appreciate any ideas, especially those accompanied with pointers to relevant information/ instructions.



  • If you're using the old standard shared database plans then these probably won't work so you need to look at bumping up to the new shared plans or the production plans.