I'm using reStructuredText for my blog/website and I want to add a global include file. I have access to and am happy to change the settings file I'm using to generate the html output, I just can't figure out the syntax for either:
I tried reading the source code and the documentation and just find it a bit hard to follow. I'm hoping that I just missed something super-obvious, but I'd like to do something like the following (the first part is just what is already there -- you can see the rest of the file in the jekyll-rst plugin source (links right to it)
import sys
from docutils.core import publish_parts
from optparse import OptionParser
from docutils.frontend import OptionParser as DocutilsOptionParser
from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser
# sets up a writer that is then called to parse rst pages repeatedly
def transform(writer=None, part=None):
p = OptionParser(add_help_option=False)
# Collect all the command line options
docutils_parser = DocutilsOptionParser(components=(writer, Parser()))
for group in docutils_parser.option_groups:
p.add_option_group(group.title, None).add_options(group.option_list)
p.add_option('--part', default=part)
opts, args = p.parse_args()
# ... more settings, etc
# then I just tell the parser/writer to process specified file X.rst every time
# (or alternately a python file defining more roles...but nicer if in rst)
Is there a simple way to do this? It'd be great to define a file defaults.rst
and have that load each time.
EDIT: Here are some examples of what I'd like to be able to globally include (custom directives would be nice too, but I'd probably write those in code)
.. role:: raw-html(raw)
:format: html
.. |common-substitution| replace:: apples and orange
.. |another common substitution| replace:: etc
I'm not quite sure if I understand the question. Do you want to define a number of, for example, substitutions in some file and have these available in all your other reStructuredText files, or do you want to include some common HTML in your output files? Can you clarify your question?
If it is the former that you want to do you can use the include
directive, as I outline in this answer.
Alternatively, if you want some common HTML included in the generated output, try copying and editing the template.txt
file which is include in the module path/to/docutils/writers/html4css1/
. You can include arbitrary HTML elements in this file and modify the layout of the HTML generated by Docutils. Neither of these methods require you to modify the Docuitls source code, which is always an advantage.
Edit: I don't think it is possible to set a flag to set an include file using Docuitls. However, if you can use Sphinx, which is based on Docuitls but has a load of extensions, then this package has a setting rst_prolog
which does exactly what you need (see this answer). rst_prolog
A string of reStructuredText that will be included at the beginning of every source file that is read.