I have a Sybase table, declaritively mapped using sqlalchemy as follows:
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()
class Appointment(base):
__tablename__ = 'APPOINTMENT'
__table_args__ = {'quote':False}
dt = Column(Date, name='dt_appointment')
How do I query this table, ordering by Year(dt_appointment)? Year() is a valid sybase T-SQL function. I've tried including a calculated column e.g.:
dtYear = Column(Integer, name='Year(dt_appointment)', quote=False)
This doesn't work with the query:
You should be able to use Function expression:
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
qry = session.query(Appointment).order_by(func.DATE(Appointment.dt))
Note however, that if you use these types of filters often, it is advisable to create a computed column in your table which will only contain a year
value of dt_appointment
and create an index
on this column. This will improve the speed of your queries/filters substantially. [I have no knowledge of Sybase, so I assume that in Sybase one can create a computed persistent
column, as one can do in MSSQL