I want to use viewbox for maintaining my wpf window's aspect ratio. i.e if i put my application on large monitor , it sholud automatically fit to that screen and if run it on my laptop it should adjust to its screen. Please help me out on this . it should be done purely on xaml wpf using view box.
Whats the problem with viewbox ? Just wrap viewbox around you root views Stretch property to one you like. If you want different scaling you need to write your own implementation of viewbox btw.
<Window x:Class="stackoverflowviewbox.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Viewbox Stretch="Uniform">
Hello world.Hello world.Hello world.Hello world.Hello world.Hello world.
But it is possible to write xaml so views will look nice on different resolutions without viewbox without any problems.