For our company I'd like to have a Python based IRC bot which checks whether the websites of our clients are still up and running. More specific: I want to list a number of URL which should be visited every, say, 15 minutes. If it fails, the URL should be checked again after 5 minutes. If retrieving the URL still doesn't result in an HTTP status code 200, it should echo the failing URL in the channel so we can investigate it.
I've written a plugin for Supybot some time ago that basically does some of the above in a crude but effective way. If I want to expand the functionality of the current code to the above 'specs' I need to do some major refactoring; basically it would mean starting from scratch.
Which raises the question: should I write a better plugin for Supybot, matching the new requirements, or go for something else altogether? Should I start from scratch (learning the most, implementing the relevant RFCs myself, spending more time than planned) or is there a suitable framework which handles the basic IRC stuff?
I vote for a completely new plugin for Supybot. Learn more ;)
If you won't do so much, try python irclib. It's a (still maintained) python lib for IRC.
Twisted may also be ok, but it's a little but too much...