I'm using jquery.zclip and Symfony2 framework to copy text to the client's clipboard. It works fine but for the fact that the apostrophe's transform into & # 0 3 9 ; (without the spaces)
The problem apparently comes from Twig templating engine that transforms my apostrophes into their html entities.
I would like to find a solution to prevent Twig doing this. Or maybe turn them back to apostrophes before calling zclip?
How would you do that?
Here is my jquery/twig code:
path:"{{ asset('bundles/yopyourownpoet/flash/ZeroClipboard.swf') }}",
copy:"{{ introLine1 }}{{ introLine2 }}{{ introLine3 }}{{ introLine4 }}{{ introLine5 }}",
alert('The poem has been copied to the clipboard.');
This code then becomes:
copy:"Franz, hope Boston treats you wellDaddy, I have a story to tellIf you do not mindI'll promise it's kindLike the sweet ringing of a bell",
alert('The poem has been copied to the clipboard.');
EDIT: I tried something more which doesn't work neither:
function escape(string)
return string.replace("'", "'");
path:"{{ asset('bundles/yopyourownpoet/flash/ZeroClipboard.swf') }}",
copy: escape("{{ introLine1 }}")+"\n"+escape("{{ introLine2 }}")+"\n"+escape("{{ introLine3 }}")+"\n"+escape("{{ introLine4 }}")+"\n"+escape("{{ introLine5 }}"),
alert('The poem has been copied to the clipboard.');
But I still get the code instead of apostrophe...
Use raw filter if you consider your variable safe:
{{ var|raw }}
You can also change the autoescaping strategy to javascript (probably better option):
{% autoescape true js %}
path:"{{ asset('bundles/yopyourownpoet/flash/ZeroClipboard.swf') }}",
copy:"{{ introLine1 }}{{ introLine2 }}{{ introLine3 }}{{ introLine4 }}{{ introLine5 }}",
alert('The poem has been copied to the clipboard.');
{% endautoescape %}