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Remote access of Stratos Account Manager from IS

I need to be able to update the tenant account information from Identity Server without having to login to the Apache Stratos Manager. I intend to do this via a custom jsp page.

  1. How can this be done?
  2. What jars need to be added to IS?
  3. What method calls to perform the calls?

I have tried to copy the account-mgr.jsp code but fail to access the AccountMgrService.


  • You need to copy the following jars from Manager to IS,

    |-- org.wso2.carbon.account.mgt-1.5.2.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.account.mgt.stub-3.2.2.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.account.mgt.ui-1.5.2.jar
    |-- drools-5.0.1.wso2v1.jar
    |-- jsr94-1.1.0.wso2v1.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.billing.core-1.5.2.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.billing.mgt-1.5.2.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.rulecep.adapters-3.2.0.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.rulecep.commons-3.2.0.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.rule.core-3.2.0.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.rule.engine.drools-3.2.0.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.rule.engine.jsr94-3.2.0.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.rule.server-3.2.0.jar
    |-- org.wso2.carbon.usage-1.5.2.jar
    `-- org.wso2.carbon.usage.meteringqueryds.stub-3.2.0.jar

    Also copy billing-config.xml from $MANAGER_HOME/repository/conf to $IS_HOME/repository/conf directory.

    Ideally it should only require account.mgt.*.jars, but since account management depends on billing and so on you will need all the above mention jars in you classpath. This is as of the latest WSO2 Stratos release version 1.5.2.

    We are looking into making account management independent from billing.