I want to add an array of entities to an entities collection, but the entities collection (as you can see in the reference) requires i add them by type, ie. entities.add_edge(). What's the best way to do this for an array of mixed types?
Here's a snippet - the second last line isnt valid (a generic .add doesnt exist)
layers.each do |layer|
layerEnts = []
entities.each { |e| layerEnts << e if layer == (e.layer) }
layerGroup = entities.add_group =
You can call methods in a dynamic way using send
Assuming that you can get the type doing layer.type
this should solve your problem.
layerEnts.each do |l|
type = l.typename.downcase
layerGroup.entities.send("add_#{type}".to_sym, l)
UPDATE: Just reading the documentation seems that there is actually a method to get the type, it's typename and seems it's camel cased so we need to downcase it.
Also it seems there are types with more than one word so you need some underscores in there. Here is a solution
layerEnts.each do |l|
type = l.typename.gsub(/(.)([A-Z])/,'\1_\2').downcase
layerGroup.entities.send("add_#{type}".to_sym, l)