Apple MDM is used. It is MDM using APNs.
I sent wording of a telegram for device tokens using APNs.
It is replacing by the character string of PushMagic.
Although {"mdm":"xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"}
is sent via APNs from the MDM server, iPhone is not reached.
Why is it?
Follow MDM_Protocol pdf very carefully.
If you are following this link: Then verify few things.
remove the passphrase from customerPrivateKey.pem using this command
openssl rsa -in customerPrivateKey.pem -out PlainKey.pem
Then merge your APNS certificate (for example CustomerCompanyName.pem) downloaded from the portal using this command
cat CustomerCompanyName.pem PlainKey.pem > PlainCert.pem
Now this PlainCert.pem file can be used in your server as APNS/MDM certificate.
If still there is issue,please show here your device log.