I am trying to change the volume of an AxWindowsMediaPlayer
Object. Like this.
//Change Volume
private void VolumeTrackBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (MidiAxWindowsMediaPlayer != null && VolumeTrackBar != null)
MidiAxWindowsMediaPlayer.settings.volume = VolumeTrackBar.Value*10;
If I place a break point inside that if
statement, I can see it is executed as I intended.
But the volume change is not reflected during playback. It always plays at the same volume,no matter if I change the volume before, during or after.
The TrackBar
has a range from 0 to 10, so when I multiply it's value by 10, I will always get something in the range 0-100, which is the range needed by the AxWindowsMediaPlayer
After searching and finding no solution (as well as other people having the same problem) I found a fix.
Instead of referencing AxWMPLib, reference WMPLib
Then create the Media Player Object Like so
WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer MidiWindowsMediaPlayer = new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer();
will allow volume changes to Midi Playback.