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Changing window size of Geany's execute (F5) option

I'm using Geany 0.18 for python developing and am in general really satisfied, but there is one little thing, that's still bugging me:

I usually use the F5 (Build-->Execute) option to test my scripts, the appearing window is rather small, and if my script prints lines which are too long they are hard to read. I would like to change the default-window size of the little one popping up if I hit F5, but I haven't found anything to accomplish this.

Is this possible at all ?

Thanks Mischa


  • To solve that problem I added additional parameters to terminal command that geany runs.

    • In Geany go to preferences (Edit->Preferences).
    • Open Tools tab.
    • There is an input field named Terminal where you can specify terminal program to use.
    • I changed that to "gnome-terminal --maximize" to open terminal maximized.

    For Gnome-Terminal you can find more window options running "gnome-terminal --help-window-options" from terminal.