Why shouldn't C# (or .NET) allow us to put a static/shared method inside an interface?
Seemingly duplicate from Why we can not have Shared(static) function/methods in an interface/abstract class?, but my idea is a bit different,;I just want to put a helper for my plugins(interface)
Shouldn't C# at least allow this idea?
namespace MycComponent
public interface ITaskPlugin : ITaskInfo
string Description { get; }
string MenuTree { get; }
string MenuCaption { get; }
void ShowTask(Form parentForm);
void ShowTask(Form parentForm, Dictionary<string, object> pkColumns);
ShowTaskNewDelegate ShowTaskNew { set; get; }
ShowTaskOpenDelegate ShowTaskOpen { set; get; }
// would not compile with this:
public static Dictionary<string, ITaskPlugin> GetPlugins(string directory)
var l = new Dictionary<string, ITaskPlugin>();
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory))
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);
if (fileInfo.Extension.Equals(".dll"))
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(file);
foreach (Type asmType in asm.GetTypes())
if (asmType.GetInterface("MycComponent.ITaskPlugin") != null)
var plugIn = (ITaskPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(asmType);
l.Add(plugIn.TaskName, plugIn);
return l;
} // GetPlugins. would not compile inside an interface
/* because of the error above, I am compelled to
put the helper method in a new class. a bit overkill when the method should
be closely coupled to what it is implementing */
public static class ITaskPluginHelper
public static Dictionary<string, ITaskPlugin> GetPlugins(string directory)
var l = new Dictionary<string, ITaskPlugin>();
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory))
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);
if (fileInfo.Extension.Equals(".dll"))
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(file);
foreach (Type asmType in asm.GetTypes())
if (asmType.GetInterface("MycComponent.ITaskPlugin") != null)
var plugIn = (ITaskPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(asmType);
l.Add(plugIn.TaskName, plugIn);
return l;
} // GetPlugins
} // ITaskPluginHelper
The idea of an interface is to represent a contract, not implementation.
I can't remember offhand whether IL actually does allow static methods with implementations in interfaces - I've a sneaky suspicion that it does - but that muddies the concept somewhat.
I can see your point - it's sometimes useful to know what helper methods are available which are connected with an interface (and extension methods are particularly relevant there) but I would personally want to put those in a separate class anyway, just to keep the mental model clean.