I'm trying to print the content of the ArrayList of the various foreach loops but the only thing i get is the String + System.Collections.ArrayList.
For example the following code:
ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();
foreach (EA.Element element in elementsCol)
if ((element.Type == "Class") || (element.Type == "Component") || (element.Type == "Package"))
Console.WriteLine("The nodes of MDG are:" + nodeList); //stampato a schermo la lista dei nodi nel MDG finale
And the output that i get is:
The nodes of MDG are:System.Collections.ArrayList
Can please someone tell me why?
you have to loop through the arraylist to get its value...
foreach(var item in nodeList)
Console.WriteLine("The nodes of MDG are:" + item);
This will work..
Use element instead of nodelist
Console.WriteLine("The nodes of MDG are:" + element);