I have a game in progress where the player can only move left and right, but at certain places on the map they can push up or down to go to a new scene in those directions (such as through a door in a back wall).
How can I set up my SneakyJoystick to trigger some code when the user pushes down? At the moment it's doing the below to move my player left/right, I want this to continue, but (for now) for a CCLOG to execute when the player pushes the stick entirely up, or down. Any ideas?
- (void) applyJoystick:(SneakyJoystick *)aJoystick forTimeDelta:(float)deltaTime {
CGPoint scaledVelocity = ccpMult(aJoystick.velocity, 325.0f);
CGPoint oldPosition = [self position];
CGPoint newPosition = ccp(oldPosition.x + scaledVelocity.x * deltaTime, oldPosition.y);
[self setPosition:newPosition];
if (oldPosition.x > newPosition.x) {
self.flipX = YES;
} else if (oldPosition.x == newPosition.x) {
// Intentionally do nothing to preserve orientation at start of scene!
} else {
self.flipX = NO;
int extra = 20;
if ((int) aJoystick.degrees > 270 - extra && aJoystick.degrees < 270 + extra) {
// Joystick button seems to be pointing down
I think that works. I don't remember well. I think 270 degrees is perfectly down. I am checking if the direction degree is within a certain range (270 - 20 and 270 + 20).