Im looking for fastest way to copy some tables from one sybase server (ase 12.5) to another. Currently im using bcp tool but it takes time to create proper bcp.fmt file.
Tables have the same structure. There is about 25K rows in every table. I have to copy about 40 tables. I tryed to use -c parameter for bcp but I get errors while importing:
CSLIB Message: - L0/O0/S0/N24/1/0:
cs_convert: cslib user api layer: common library error: The conversion/operation
was stopped due to a syntax error in the source field.
My standard bcp in/out commands:
bcp.exe SPEPL..VSoftSent out VSoftSent.csv -U%user% -P%pass% -S%srv% -c
bcp.exe SPEPL..VSoftSent in VSoftSent.csv -U%user2% -P%pass2% -S%srv2% -e import.err -c
Since you are copying from different servers, BCP is the way to go!
If it was in the same server would be different.