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parameters of jstree create_node

Could you please give me the list of parameters of this function and an example of usage



  • IMHO jsTree is powerful, but documentation could be improved.

    The create_node function is documented here.

    Be careful not interpreting the [] as a literal. They are just to indicate that the parameters are optional.

    This works for jsTree version "pre 1.0 fixed":

    var position = 'inside';
    var parent = $('#your-tree').jstree('get_selected');
    var newNode = { state: "open", data: "New nooooode!" };
        "create_node", parent, position, newNode, false, false);

    JSTree 3.3.5

    From their docs "create_node" functionality has inverted args 'newNode' and 'position'

     $('#your-tree').jstree("create_node", parent, newNode, position, false, false);