I have these lines of code to validate for an e-mail address:
<h:outputText value="#{labels.eMail}: " />
<p:inputText size="30" maxlength="50" validatorMessage="Please provide a valid e-mail address" value="#{personelView.eMail}">
<f:validateRegex pattern=".+@.+\.[a-zA-Z]+" />
When I leave the e-mail address field empty and submit the form it gives validation error. Why JSf is doing this? Isn't it supposed to just validate e-mail field with the above code? I even tried adding:
still no good. Does anyone have any idea about this case?
your inputText
value is being validated against your <f:validateRegex pattern=".+@.+\.[a-zA-Z]+" />
and if its value not valid you getting the error , so you need to improve your regex so it will match your pattern or accept empty string...
So wrapping it with ()
and adding a ?
should do the job
<f:validateRegex pattern="(.+@.+\.[a-zA-Z]+)?"/>