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jni problems when system load the .so file

I have already created .so file and put it in proper path. However,when I try to run the android program the problem came by. the problem is:

`5-16 15:34:16.704: E/AndroidRuntime(9968): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 
Cannot load library: reloc_library[1311]:  1584 cannot locate '_Z13raptor_decodePKhtPKtPhjPK15RaptorParam_tag'...

raptor_decode is a function which included by the jni_function.`

what should i do to correct this problem? Thanks.


  • I think here is your problem:

    1584 cannot locate '_Z13raptor_decodePKhtPKtPhjPK15RaptorParam_tag'

    if raptor_decode is the method you want to call, read up here: (and read up 11.3)