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Using a MapLoader for a Hazelcast distributed map within a client

I'm evaluating Hazelcast as a distributed data grid solution for an application I'm working on. Hazelcast is setup on a distributed cluster, and my application uses Spring to define an Hazelcast client in this way:

<hz:client id="hazelcastClient" group-name="dev" group-password="dev-pass">

On my Hazelcast node, in the hazelcast.xml file I've setup a map, with all the configuration needed. Let's say this map is called myMap. I can see this map set up properly when using the Hazelcast webapp for monitoring (mancenter).

I have now to configure the map to get injected into my bean, on the application side. If I do something like

<hz:map id="myMap" instance-ref="hazelcastClient" name="myMap" />

And I inject this map into my bean that containst the fetching logic, I've got no problems.

However, I've also written a class that implements MapLoader interface, in order to handle the missing data from the cache. My problem is now that I don't know how to tie this Maploader to the cache I defined. If I try something like

<hz:map id="myMap" instance-ref="hazelcastClient" name="myMap">
    <hz:map-store enabled="true" implementation="myMapLoader"/>

I'm getting an XML parse error, as it seems that when hz:map is used as a top-level element (and not inside a hz:config, for example), you cannot specify inner elements. This makes me think that you need to define a hz:config element. But it's not very clear from the documentation if you can define a hz:config element for a client. To me it seems that you need to use hz:config if you want your application to be part of the cluster. I'm not sure however if it's logically correct that my app should be part of the cluster - it's basically a client of the data grid.

Do you have any thoughts on how can I configure my app to achieve the behavior I want?


  • You can not configure a map on the client side. You should configure myMap and its MapLoader/MapStore on Hazelcast node. MapStore/MapLoader operations are executed by Hazelcast node that owns the data, not by client.

    Hazelcast Node

        <hz:map name="myMap" backup-count="1" max-size="0">
            <hz:map-store enabled="true" implementation="myMapLoader" />

    -OR- using hazelcast.xml

    <map name="myMap">
        <map-store enabled="true">

    On client side just instantiate myMap;

    <hz:map id="myMap" instance-ref="hazelcastClient" name="myMap" />

    When client puts to / gets from that map, the node handles client's request will call MapLoader/MapStore.