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Configure Visual Studio to use UNIX line endings

We would like to use Visual Studio 2005 to work on a local copy of an SVN repository. This local copy has been checked out by Mac OS X (and updates and commits will only be made under Mac OS X, so no problem there), and as a consequence the line endings are UNIX-style.

We fear that Visual Studio will introduce Windows-style line endings. Is it possible to force Visual Studio to use UNIX line endings?


  • Warning: This solution no longer works for Visual Studio 2017 and later. Instead, both of the answers by jcox and Munther Jaber are needed. I have combined them into one answer.

    As OP states "File > Advanced Save Options", select Unix Line Endings.

    This will only affect new files that are created. Fixing any that were previously created can be done file-by-file or you can search for tools that will fix on-bulk.