Let me first explain the setup that I have.
My web application consists of multiple modules which are interlinked in a way that Module 1 uses controllers / services from Module 2 to recreate common functionality and hence remove code redundancy. So simply put, 2 separate web applications with all classes from 1 application included as a jar in the other.
Now, the issue that I am facing is due to common URL mappings in the sub-module as per the following scenario:
Controller A from Module 1 extends Controller B from Module 2
package com.module1;
public class A extends B {
public void helloWorldNew(...) {
package com.module2;
public class B {
public void helloWorld(...) {
Controller C from Module 1 extends Controller D from Module 2
package com.module1;
public class C extends D {
public void helloWorldNew(...) {
package com.module2;
public class D {
public void helloWorld(...) {
As you can see, taking Module 2 separately, URLs that have been mapped are /user/
& /client/
which is legal in every sense. Now when Module 1 comes into the picture, as expected Spring throws an exception saying the URL /client/
is already mapped via A.helloWorld()
and C.helloWorld()
Is there a way around this? Can I ask Spring to simply ignore the method-level RequestMappings found in the super class? Or is there a way I can hack Spring to ignore / override the mappings (just like the root-level RequestMappings did)?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I can think of a couple of ways to do this:
When you are setting up your module 1, you can do a component scan for only packages that are relevant to you in module 1 (this assumes that the package names are different in module 1 and module2:
<context:component-scan base-package="package1, package2" use-default-filters="false">
if the package names are not very different, you can try excluding by the class name pattern:
<context:exclude-filter type="regex" expression="*.Module1Class"/>
A second approach can be to declare the base classes in module 2 abstract, this way the controller corresponding to the base class will not be created at all.
A third approach, if the base classes are not that important to you, could be to put @RequestMapping which does not collide at all with the RequestMappings that are specified for the module 1.