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Matlab - can't display manually set axes

I create a figure and a panel of uicontrols. When I run the program, the panel overlays the default axes( or plot area if that is more appropriate). So, I want to have the panel at a certain position and the axes( or plot area) set at a separate position. I've read Matlab help and tried many variations of set, get, CurrentAxes, axis methods. Still I can't figure out. The basic code until now, is

mytitle = 'Kinematic Control of a Redudant Robotic System';
simfig = figure( 'menubar', 'none', 'position', [ 140 140 600 600], 'Name', mytitle, 'NumberTitle', 'off');
ax = axes( 'Parent', simfig, 'Units', pixels, 'Position', [ 150 150 300 300], 'XLim', [ 0 10], 'YLim', [ 0 8]);
panbut  = uipanel( simfig, 'Units', pixels, 'position', [20 45 143 150], 'Title', 'Simulation Buttons');
up      = uicontrol( panbut, 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'up',   'position', [ 50 90 40 40], 'callback', @up_button_press);
down    = uicontrol( panbut, 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'down', 'position', [ 50 10 40 40], 'callback', @down_button_press); 
right   = uicontrol( panbut, 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'right','position', [ 90 50 40 40], 'callback', @right_button_press); 
left    = uicontrol( panbut, 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'left', 'position', [ 10 50 40 40], 'callback', @left_button_press);

What do I miss?


  • If you position your plots using the position property, results can be quite inaccurate, because the space for labels and ticklabels add to the space you define in position.

    In order to avoid overlap you can set the OuterPosition property of the axes:

    mytitle = 'Kinematic Control of a Redudant Robotic System';
    simfig = figure( 'menubar', 'none', 'position', [ 140 140 600 600],...
        'Name', mytitle, 'NumberTitle', 'off');
    ax = axes( 'Parent', simfig, 'Units', 'pixels','outerPosition', [ 150 150 300 300], ...
        'XLim', [ 0 10], 'YLim', [ 0 8]);
    panbut  = uipanel( simfig, 'Units', 'pixels', 'position',...
        [20 45 143 150], 'Title', 'Simulation Buttons');
    up      = uicontrol( panbut, 'style', 'pushbutton',...
        'string', 'up',   'position', [ 50 90 40 40],...
        'callback', @up_button_press);
    down    = uicontrol( panbut, 'style', 'pushbutton',...
        'string', 'down', 'position', [ 50 10 40 40], ...
        'callback', @down_button_press);
    right   = uicontrol( panbut, 'style', 'pushbutton',...
        'string', 'right','position', [ 90 50 40 40], ...
        'callback', @right_button_press);
    left    = uicontrol( panbut, 'style', 'pushbutton',...
        'string', 'left', 'position', [ 10 50 40 40],...
        'callback', @left_button_press);