I have a big Directory ~/.vim
and in it I have a subdirectory with many other git repos in it. I want to make a git repo of my ~/.vim
directory though, but don't want to go through each of my other git subdirectories.
Is there any way of just recursively going through and adding all submodules?
Suppose that .vim is already a valid git repo and your want to add all git repos to your main git repo, then the for loop below is probably what you need:
First, cd
to the root of your git repository.
Paste-able preview command- echo only, won't make any changes:
for x in $(find . -type d) ; do if [ -d "${x}/.git" ] ; then cd "${x}" ; origin="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" ; cd - 1>/dev/null; echo git submodule add "${origin}" "${x}" ; fi ; done
Paste-able command to add the submodules:
for x in $(find . -type d) ; do if [ -d "${x}/.git" ] ; then cd "${x}" ; origin="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" ; cd - 1>/dev/null; git submodule add "${origin}" "${x}" ; fi ; done
This loop first finds directories only, looks for a .git directory, identifies the original URL and then adds the submodule.
Readable version:
for x in $(find . -type d) ; do
if [ -d "${x}/.git" ] ; then
cd "${x}"
origin="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)"
cd - 1>/dev/null
git submodule add "${origin}" "${x}"