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How can regex ignore escaped-quotes when matching strings?

I'm trying to write a regex that will match everything BUT an apostrophe that has not been escaped. Consider the following:

<?php $s = 'Hi everyone, we\'re ready now.'; ?>

My goal is to write a regular expression that will essentially match the string portion of that. I'm thinking of something such as


in order to match a simple string, but I've been trying to figure out how to get a negative lookbehind working on that apostrophe to ensure that it is not preceded by a backslash...

Any ideas?



  • <?php
    $backslash = '\\';
    $pattern = <<< PATTERN
        "<?php \$s = 'Hi everyone, we\\'re ready now.'; ?>",
        '<?php $s = "Hi everyone, we\\"re ready now."; ?>',
        "x = 'My string ends with with a backslash\\\\';"
        ) as $subject) {
            preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches);
            echo $subject , ' => ', $matches[0], "\n\n";


    <?php $s = 'Hi everyone, we\'re ready now.'; ?> => 'Hi everyone, we\'re ready now.'
    <?php $s = "Hi everyone, we\"re ready now."; ?> => "Hi everyone, we\"re ready now."
    xyz'a\'bc\d'123 => 'a\'bc\d'
    x = 'My string ends with with a backslash\\'; => 'My string ends with with a backslash\\'