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How can I Check whether file exists with a specific extension in a folder

Possible Duplicate:
How to check a file if exists with wildcard in Java?

I am very new to Java.I working some homework and as a part of that I have to check whether a file with .css extension exists in a folder.How can i check exactly .css extension file existed in the folder using java.


  • The below code may help you.

    public class FindCertainExtension {
        private static final String FILE_DIR = "c:\\folder";
        private static final String FILE_TEXT_EXT = ".jpg";
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            new FindCertainExtension().listFile(FILE_DIR, FILE_TEXT_EXT);
        public void listFile(String folder, String ext) {
            GenericExtFilter filter = new GenericExtFilter(ext);
            File dir = new File(folder);
                System.out.println("Directory does not exists : " + FILE_DIR);
            // list out all the file name and filter by the extension
            String[] list = dir.list(filter);
            if (list.length == 0) {
                System.out.println("no files end with : " + ext);
            for (String file : list) {
                String temp = new StringBuffer(FILE_DIR).append(File.separator)
                System.out.println("file : " + temp);
        // inner class, generic extension filter
        public class GenericExtFilter implements FilenameFilter {
            private String ext;
            public GenericExtFilter(String ext) {
                this.ext = ext;
            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                return (name.endsWith(ext));

    Enjoy !!!