I'm using Node.js and WebSocket-Node (WebSocket-Node) to create a WebService. I need to access the cookie or session information from the web server to tie the WebSocket connection to a user id. I know that the cookie information is being send via req.cookies, but I'm not familiar with the syntax to access the "connect.sid" cookie.
By looking at the library code (around line 200):
it seems that cookies is an array of object with "name" and "value" properties
So you can have a function like this (not tested):
function getSidFromCookies(cookies) {
var filtered = cookies.filter(function(obj) {
return obj.name == 'connect.sid';
return filtered.length > 0 ? filtered[0].value : null;
then you can just do:
var connectSid = getSidFromCookies(req.cookies);
connectSid will either be the cookie value or null