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I have some short questions about the Webgrid.

  1. How can I put in a column the current number ? (I'm using EF)

  2. How can I display a string instead of a integer ? (Let's say I have a int field height and if it's between 1.50- 1.60 I would like to see in the webgrid small , 1.60-1.70 - normal , 1.7-1.8 - big, >2 - huge )

Crt. No. | height old | height new

1 | 1.55 | small

2 | 1.78 | normal

3 | 2.40 | huge

@grid.GetHtml(tableStyle: "table",
          alternatingRowStyle: "alternate",
          headerStyle: "header",
          columns: grid.Columns(
          grid.Column(columnName: "?",header: "Crt. No.", canSort: true),
          grid.Column(columnName: "height", header: "height old", canSort: true),
          grid.Column(columnName: "height?", header: "height new", canSort: true)))


  • 1). How can I put in a column the current number ? (I'm using EF)

    You could use a view model and instead of binding your WebGrid to the Model, bind it to a Model.Select((item, index) => new { Index = index, Element = item }) or even better use a real view model that possess those 2 properties instead of using an anonymous object.

    2). How can I display a string instead of a integer ? (Let's say I have a int field height and if it's between 1.50- 1.60 I would like to see in the webgrid small , 1.60-1.70 - normal , 1.7-1.8 - big, >2 - huge )

    You could use a custom format for the column.

    Here's an example:

    @model IEnumerable<SomeModel>
        var grid = new WebGrid(Model.Select((item, index) => new { Index = index, Element = item }));
        tableStyle: "table",
        alternatingRowStyle: "alternate",
        headerStyle: "header",
        columns: grid.Columns(
            grid.Column(columnName: "Index", header: "Crt. No.", canSort: true),
                header: "height old", 
                canSort: true, 
                header: "height new", 
                canSort: true, 

    as you can see we have used the Html.FormatHeight custom extension method which could look like this:

    public static class HtmlExtensions
        public static IHtmlString FormatHeight(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, double height)
            if (height < 1.5)
                return new HtmlString("tiny");
            if (height > 1.5 && height < 1.6)
                return new HtmlString("small");
            else if (height > 1.6 && height < 1.7)
                return new HtmlString("normal");
            else if (height > 1.7 && height < 1.8)
                return new HtmlString("big");
            return new HtmlString("huge");