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Editing navbar text color in twitter bootstrap

I'm trying to edit the font color of the elements I have in a navabar.I don't want to edit the html font color directly. I want to do it in css. Is this possible? Can i extend the bootstrap class to override the font color they use with my own?



  • Yes you can change the color. Try to use the @less or $sass variables to do so:

    Example using less variables:

    / Navbar
    // -------------------------
    @navbarText: #7490BC;
    @navbarLinkColor: #FFFFFF;
    @navbarLinkColorHover: @white;
    @navbarLinkColorActive: @navbarLinkColorHover;
    @navbarLinkBackgroundHover: transparent;
    @navbarLinkBackgroundActive: @navbarBackground;
    @navbarSearchPlaceholderColor: #ccc;
    @navbarBrandColor: @navbarLinkColor;