I'm complete noobs in shell script what i want is shell script that determine a list of library/package currently installed if not install them without user permission
What I want is to determine the library/package is currently installed or not in system
I'm aware of aptitude search command but I looking for a better solution
e.g I have define(in shell script) check for readline library/package now how can I from inside the shell script (I want to create) know that readline package is currently installed or not.
Any idea or suggestion would certainly help
What I want is to determine the library/package is currently installed or not in system
dpkg -s
does not require root permission, and will display package status details.
Example shell script:
for P; do
dpkg -s "$P" >/dev/null 2>&1 && {
echo "$P is installed."
} || {
echo "$P is not installed."
Usage is:
script.sh package1 package2 .... packageN