My iOS app has been rejected and I got the following message from Apple:
Reasons for Rejection: MFI Issue
We started your review but cannot continue because we cannot locate your MFi Certificate PPID #.
Please go to Manage Your Applications in iTunes Connect and edit your metadata to provide the MFi Certificate PPID # in the Review Notes. Once you've added this information, click "Save," then "Submit New Metadata" and we can proceed with your review.
What is an MFi Certificate PPID#? Where/how do I get one for my app?
I submitted the same app (older revisions) three times before but didn't get this kind of message. Why I am getting this now? The last revision I submitted successfully was on Feb. 12, 2012. Has Apple added more requirements since then?
Thanks, -Teddy
Your Product Plan ID. You should be able to find this in the MFi portal. They are asking about the physical accessory your application interfaces with.