I'm writing my first rake task for my rails project and I have a very vague idea of how I will implement this.
Basically, my goal is to have an automated process (Cron+Whenever) that will run this rake task once a day.
The task will iterate through each Traveldeal instance and compare its expired_date field to the current date and if the Traveldeal is expired, it will set the expired boolean to true.
Here is the task I wrote based on some other raketask I found online.
namespace :traveldeal do
desc "Expire Old Traveldeals"
task :expired_traveldeals => :environment do
Traveldeal.transaction do
Traveldeal.all.each { |deal|
if(deal.expired_date <= Date.today)
deal.expired = 't'
My raketasks seems to run, but it looks like my expired field is not getting set to 't'.
Any suggestions?
You will need to reference the namespace
rake traveldeal:expired_traveldeals