In my code, I have a database access context that provides elementary read/write operations, called CouchDB.ctx
. Various modules in my application then extend that class with additional functionality, such as Async.ctx
I am implementing a Cache
module which is wrapped around a Source
module. The Cache
module functions take a context argument and manipulate the database. Some calls are then forwarded to the Source
module along with the context.
I need to define a functor along the lines of this:
module CouchDB = struct
class ctx = object
method get : string -> string option monad
method put : string -> string -> unit monad
module AsyncDB = struct
class ctx = object
inherit CouchDB.ctx
method delay : 'a. float -> (ctx -> 'a monad) -> 'a monad
module type SOURCE = sig
class ctx = #CouchDB.ctx (* <-- incorrect *)
type source
val get : source -> ctx -> string monad
module Cache = functor(S:SOURCE) -> struct
class ctx = S.ctx
type source = S.source
let get source ctx =
bind (ctx # get source) (function
| Some cache -> return cache
| None ->
bind (S.get source ctx)
(fun data -> bind (ctx # put source data)
(fun () -> return data))
module SomeSource = struct
class ctx = AsyncDB.ctx
type source = string
let get s ctx =
ctx # async 300 (some_long_computation s)
module SomeCache = Cache(SomeSource)
The problem is that I cannot express the fact that the context used by the Source
module should be a subtype of CouchDB.ctx
. The above code returns the error:
A type variable is unbound in this type declaration.
In type #CouchDB.ctx as 'a the variable 'a is unbound
How do I express this type constraint ?
The closest you can get is defining the signature as:
module type SOURCE = sig
type 'a ctx = 'a constraint 'a = #CouchDB.ctx
type source
val get : source -> 'a ctx -> string
But of course, you could as well just write:
module type SOURCE = sig
type source
val get : source -> #CouchDB.ctx -> string
Edit: Note that OCaml uses structural typing for objects. That means that even if you wanted, you cannot get any more restrictive than the above. It does not even limit arguments to get
to be instances of CouchDB.ctx
or a derived class -- any object that has (at least) the same methods will be compatible. Even when you write
val get : source -> CouchDB.ctx -> string
you can pass any object that has the same methods. The type CouchDB.ctx
is just an abbreviation for a specific structural object type that happens to match the objects generated by the class of the same name. It is not restricted to those. And just to be sure: that is considered a feature.
Edit 2: With the extended example, I now see what you want and why. Unfortunately, that isn't possible directly in OCaml. You would need partially abstract types. Namely, you would need to be able to write
module type SOURCE = sig
type ctx < CouchDB.ctx
This is not available in OCaml. However, you can get close if you are willing to provide an explicit upcast in the signature:
module type SOURCE = sig
type ctx
val up : ctx -> CouchDB.ctx
type source = string
val get : source -> ctx -> string monad
Then, in Cache
, you have to replace occurrences of ctx#get
with (S.up ctx)#get
, and likewise for ctx#put
module Cache = functor (S:SOURCE) -> struct
type ctx = S.ctx
type source = S.source
let get source ctx =
bind ((S.up ctx)#get source) ...
module SomeSource = struct
type ctx = AsyncDB.ctx
let up ctx = (ctx : ctx :> CouchDB.ctx)
type source = string
let get s ctx = ...
module SomeCache = Cache (SomeSource)
Note that I also made type source = string
transparent in the signature SOURCE
. Without that, I cannot see how ctx#get source
can possibly type-check in the Cache