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listview dynamic buttons

i'm developing android messaging application using java when a receive a message i inserted the information of it to a database.. i want to create a listview with dynamic buttons, each button contain the data in the row of the database and i need to connect the id of the button to the id of the record so i can apply changes to the buttons such as deleting it using the id of it, and i need to create a new button every time i receive a message. I've been searching for some answers but i didn't find anything like this.. thanks in advance.


    • " i want to create a listview with dynamic buttons, each button contain the data in the row of the database "

    Your button doesn't really need to be dynamic, you can load a <Button> from an XML layout which describes your ListView row. Then, in your ListView adapters getView() method, use Button.setTag() to put a tag object on the button, set a title on the button, etc ... this tag object could simply reference your database row _ID.

    • " and i need to connect the id of the button to the id of the record so i can apply changes to the buttons such as deleting it using the id of it "

    Use Button.getTag() in the button onClick() handler to read the _ID and do what you need.

    • " and i need to create a new button every time i receive a message."

    Use a DataSetObserver on your adapter. Call notifyDataSetChanged() on your adapter when you receive this message to force the ListView to update itself.